Fashion in affairs can be a funny thing. Maybe you love your Machine outfits (Significant Other or style, even though it doesn’t really line up with your own. Or perhaps you’ve fought tooth and nail to get them to get rid of that one piece of clothing you hate or have bought them a few new replacement pieces as gifts just to get the point across. Then there are the couples whose style syncs up as well as their personalities.

You would notice most people from the Asia region dress noticeably alike, that’s because many use a “couple look” to show the world they’re an item. But it’s not just happening in Asia. This is still showing up in Europe in a fashion country like France where French matching couple and creative photography duo Nelson Tiberghien and Isabelle Chaput, or Young Emperors, as they’re known on Instagram often share their matching looks. Though the couple never set out for internet fame (in just five short months they’ve earned more than 15,000 thousand followers), they did notice that their outfits started to coordinate the more they spent time together and worked together, and eventually fell in love. Often featuring denim, coordinating color palettes, and unisex staples like button-up shirts, the two-make waking up and matching look easy.

This is something Nigerians and other African countries are also doing and it is awesome!